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C.E.O. Daily
Spiritual Inspiration Blog
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Success and Motivation......
New Normal.....
You Are Unique!!
I Need You......
God's Touch....
Stand Your Ground....
Faith Over Fear....
Rejuvenate Me....
Change At Your Pace...
My Thoughts.....
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So Will I (Do It Again)
Cross Worship Feat. Osby Berry
Lord, you are ALL this and above. I thank Jesus, for loving me. Have a marvelous day and a prosperous week in Worship!!!! #inspiration
Your Perception??
Have you change your perception of how you see me? Perception is the ability to hear, see, understand, or the way we interpret things. If...
Empty Me....
Lord, I ask that you rid me of myself so that ALL I see is you, ALL I hear is you, and ALL I know is you. Revive me Lord, remove ALL...
You See Me..
Father God, you see right through me. You see ALL of my hurts, my pains, my fears, my worries, my doubts, my struggles, my joys, my ups...
Get Ready to be PUSHED....
The pain is getting you ready to receive. Trust is faith and you have to have faith in order to believe. Get ready to be PUSHED.......
Multitudes of change
Prayer changes a multitude but multitudes don't change if they're still stuck on themselves. Joel 3:14 (KJV) 14 Multitudes, multitudes in...
It's time
It's time to step out into your new season. We often hesitate because we are dithering (being indecisive) or we experience...
Are you listening..
God gives us signs, signals, flares, and even messages to get our attention. Are you listening to the warning??? God's calling you do you...
Today's Message
God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week from the chaos of my life. Wash me clean in your spirit. Forgive me of my past...
Do you really know your worth?
In life we say a lot of things that we won't do or become apart of a world we know nothing about. We put up this image to impress people...
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